The MNAC embraces all the arts (sculpture, painting, objets d'art, drawing, engraving, posters, photography and coinage) and has the task of explaining the general history of Catalan art from the Romanesque period to the mid-twentieth century. In the case of the Romanesque and Gothic collections, this discourse is characterized by the Catalan provenance of most of the pieces, although, particularly in the Gothic, comparisons are made with art from other provenances. With regard to the Renaissance and Baroque collections, the works included lead to a more international discourse, with the work of great painters, such as El Greco, Zurbarán, Velázquez, Cranach, Rubens...
Palau Nacional. Parc de Montjuïc
08038 Barcelona
Opening hours:
Winter time (1/10 - 30/4: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 18 h;
Sundays and holidays from 10 to 15 h
Summer time (1/5 - 30/9): Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 20 h;
Sundays and holidays from 10 to 15 h
Closed Mondays (except holidays)
Buy your ticket online and skip the line!
Palau Nacional. Parc de Montjuïc
08038 Barcelona
Opening hours:
Winter time (1/10 - 30/4: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 18 h;
Sundays and holidays from 10 to 15 h
Summer time (1/5 - 30/9): Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 20 h;
Sundays and holidays from 10 to 15 h
Closed Mondays (except holidays)
Buy your ticket online and skip the line!